Zisano Skorpio

(3 customer reviews)

24,90 inkl. MwSt.

  • Acts strongly and unerringly against WLAN and cellular radiation while keeping devices at full power.

  • does not shield the radiation, but helps our organism to deal with it.

  • is suitable for cell phone, WLAN router, baby monitor, laptop and DECT cordless phones.

  • has a positive effect on our cell metabolism.

  • does not make our body react with stress while actively using the phone.

  • prevents damage to DNA

In stock

SKU: 100-000-021 Category:
Can you answer one or more questions with a "YES"?
  • Do you also often feel low in energy?
  • Does your vitality leave much to be desired?
  • Do you often feel unwell and irritable?
  • Do you find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep at night?
  • Do you suffer from restlessness, headaches, and eye irritation?
  • Do you occasionally feel a warm sensation behind your ear?
  • Do you or your children have difficulty concentrating and/or learning?

If "YES", then please read on...

What causes may underlie these complaints?

All this could be due to the electromagnetic field by which we are surrounded. Daily we are online, permanently reachable, constantly exchange information via smartphone, laptop and tablet, communicate with business partners and friends or use mobile devices to listen to music and play.

But did you know that all these devices "radiate" and electromagnetic radiation can be harmful to our bodies?
Clearly, the constantly advancing technology facilitates our everyday lives and a life without smartphone & Co. is unthinkable for all of us, but we should be aware that we are exposed to these exposures every day and around the clock. Mobile phone radiation and WLAN radiation have been proven to damage our organism and DNA is also affected. Therefore, it is even more important to support our body.

Mobile phone radiation and WLAN radiation have been proven to damage our organism and therefore it can lead to the above-mentioned complaints.

Zisano Skorpio - protects against mobile phone radiation

Our body, just like any other living being, works through frequencies and vibrations. Thus, we can communicate on a cellular level with the help of electromagnetic signals. However, this can be disrupted. W-LAN devices and cell phones create an artificial, electromagnetic, low-frequency field that our organism cannot handle and reacts with stress. In the blood picture you can see these changes very well, because the blood clumps together. The DNA is also affected, the hormone and protein production does not work normally..

Thus, a stress reaction occurs because the production of certain proteins and hormones are negatively affected. The immune system is weakened, by the changed effectiveness of melatonin and the DNA is damaged. The protein balance is also negatively affected..
Repair proteins become less and for it the stress proteins more. Accordingly, the stress level in the body increases.

What exactly does Zisano Skorpio?

When actively telephoning, a low-frequency electromagnetic field is generated in the close range of the cell phone. However, this is not everywhere equally strong, there are dips and peaks, the so-called GRADIENTS. Abrupt changes in the magnetic field irritate our body, SKORPIO decomposes these peaks to gentle gradients, making the magnetic fields more tolerable for our body.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg

3 reviews for Zisano Skorpio

  1. Karl-Heinz Kreuzer

    Hallo, Zisano Skorpio schützt vor Mobilfunkstrahlung zu 100%, habe vor kurzem Bestellt und getestet.
    Wenn ich sehr oft mehrere Minuten Telefoniere mein rechter Ohr und Wangen entwickelt sich sehr warm, mit Zisano Skorpio mehrere Minuten Telefoniere entwickelt sich fast kein einzige Wärme ab!

    • Dein Zisano-Team

      Lieber Hr. Kreuzer, vielen lieben Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Es freut uns sehr, dass Sie mit unserem Skorpio zufrieden sind. Alles Liebe und bleiben Sie gesund! Ihr ZISANO – Team

  2. Thomas

    Das Mobiltelefon meiner (Teenager)Tochter “glühte” regelrecht, wenn sie es nutzte. Dem konnten wir mit Skorpio ein Ende setzen. Man hat sofort das Gefühl, seiner Gesundheit etwas Gutes zu tun und fühlt sich auch sofort geschützter durch die Verwendung. Super!

  3. Alfred Ganz

    Job-bedingt muss ich viel telefonieren. Oft litt ich unter Kopfschmerzen und konnte mich nur schwer konzentrieren. Medikamente haben nicht wirklich geholfen. Dann hat mir ein Freund von Skorpio erzählt, er hat es selbst in Verwendung. Also, es kann natürlich ein Zufall sein, aber ich habe deutlich weniger Kopfschmerzen und die Anzahl meiner Telefonate haben nicht abgenommen. Funktioniert gut!

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