€299,00 inkl. MwSt.
is suitable for humans, animals and plants.
is the optimal protection against disharmonic rays and electromagnetic pollution in your working and living area.
Supports and strengthens the immune system by changing the entire energetic environment.
compensates negative health burdens caused by WLAN and mobile phone radiation, E-smog (caused by devices in the household or also high-voltage masts) to 100% and thus positively supports our body.
harmonizes also pathogenic earth radiation, ionizing radiation, as well as radioactive background radiation
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On the one hand, of course, these are enormous facilitations in everyday life, on the other hand, many people with physical impairments react and they are usually not even aware of the origin.
- Disturbance of biorhythms
- Lowering melatonin production
- Weakening of the immune system and
- Permanent stress and fatigue
Sleep problems, sleep disorders, headaches and permanent fatigue are not uncommon. Some people reach for sleeping pills, try their luck with homeopathic sleeping pills or test themselves through tried and tested home remedies, yet the solution is often so close at hand. Put the cell phone on flight mode or better yet: get out with the smartphone from the bedrooms!
Even at the workplace we are exposed to enormous disharmonic radiation and electromagnetic stress every day. Just think of open-plan offices with countless PCs, WLAN routers and printers. This technology is necessary, but a permanent challenge for the body. Increasing sick leave, burnout and depression are often the consequences of an interplay of emotional and physical stress..
With the help of the Zisano Olexa, the use of the mentioned devices (smartphone, wireless router, etc.) can not negatively affect our organism, on the contrary. The technical and natural disharmonic rays, as well as electromagnetic stress, as well as earth radiation and cosmic radiation, water veins, grids, etc. are made compatible for our body.
There are more and more people who are sensitive to E-smog and suffer from disharmonic stress. Just here the Zisano Olexa can be used and help these people again to a stress-free and uncomplicated life..
Possibilities of application:
Apartment, small house, small office.
Garden and for animals (see below)
The area of effect in 3D space includes a radius of about 7.5 meters, this means it is enough for an apartment, smaller houses and smaller offices.
Possible side effects:.
Depending on the state of health, there may be different reactions. Through the body detoxification, it may briefly come to headaches (about 80% of our previous customers gave us this feedback) or poor sleep (because our body gets more energy supplied)..
It is not uncommon for these "complaints" to occur, this usually happens when the body begins to detoxify, whether through dietary changes, fasting cures or similar. If this is the case, simply increase the range of action of Zisano Olexa for the time being, in order to slowly accustom the body to the - later beneficial - atmosphere. You can also put the Olexa at an angle and after the acclimatization phase put it horizontally again. The effect of the inclined position is only about 15%, this has to do with the angle of irradiation.
Just try it out slowly, every body reacts differently..
The beginning of the positive effect can take up to 4 months, but you will notice the changes in yourself and your loved ones and will not want to miss.
Olexa is fragile and if damaged the effect will be lost.
Temperature: up to a maximum of 90°C.
Technical data:
Olexa consists of a silicon crystal with almost 100% purity.
Delivered in an anthracite wooden boxCreate a harmonious oasis for you and your family!
Test period: about 2 months with Olexa X.
Result: up to 50% less water consumption, 50% less fertilizer, 30% better quality
AnimalsA beekeeper's report:
After 10 months, we can still say that the energy value is constant - that is, increased tenfold.
Here is the link to our video: https://www.zisano.net/biene-2/
Rider's report:
After another fall on September 23, 2018 at the indoor arena, it was clear that a change was needed to curb the increasing risk of injury to the rider from the horse's dangerous behavior.
When you are about to have a beautiful leisure time spoiled by the behavior of his animal, you start to research the causes. Unless these are not by a veterinarian or by a certain training program to fix, it is to find efficient alternatives..
The apple gray was acquired by the current owner in mid-May 2018 and hired at a riding stable in the Kreuttal. After initially good experience with the new horse, all parties involved found that (probably due to a mixture of jumpiness and Gegenwehr gegenjeweiligen the rider) to incidents and falls occurred..
walking through, bucking and climbing occurred at increasingly shorter intervals. I myself crashed four times in the fall alone. The matter became increasingly unpredictable, so that the second co-rider in October decided not to ride this horse in the future..
After I received the small Zisano badge in October and put it to use while riding (first in the jacket pocket, then directly on the saddlery), significant improvements occurred from week to week.
The horse became calmer and more balanced in the following weeks. He was less tense in the back, thus freer in the gait and more accessible in the acceptance of the aids.
The head banging when taking up the reins has since disappeared completely and never occurred again.
The jumpiness decreased and even when grooming in the box or in the stable alley, the gelding was very sociable. However, it was no longer the apathetic manner he had displayed in the summer, but his behavior changed to a more attentive form of calm. He no longer jostled in the stall, pushed me against the wall unintentionally, or lost his balance out of inattention when lifting one of his legs.
At first I assumed that the changes could be due to the falling outside temperatures. But my own experience in previous years, as well as the observation of the other horses in the stable, had not been able to confirm this.
I could not detect any further improvement by placing the large Zisano plate in the stable from Christmas onwards, as the permanent change of circumstances (weather, type of training, season, etc.) prevented any meaningful observation. To what extent this further supported the effect of the small plaque, which was only directly applied when riding, can not be seriously stated here..
The effects on the horses housed in the surrounding boxes are unfortunately not documented and at the current time by the owners and riders of the same due to the circumstances not in experience to bring..
Not to be underestimated is certainly also the effect on the rider. It has in the time, I had carried the badge or attached to the horse, simply more joy to ride the horse. I was more relaxed, optimistic and in a better mood. I took more time to warm him up extensively, worked longer with him and probably also paid more attention to him in the preparation and follow-up on the respective days..
A distinction between direct and indirect improvement is therefore not possible and, in my opinion, not necessary.
It is quite clear here that animal and human positively influence each other and the benefits thereby manifest themselves much more clearly.
After I stopped using Zisano products with the beginning of February, the effect has slowly faded again. The horse began to increasingly resist the rider again.
On March 2, the time had come. After a small irritation by a passing child Flylight went through uncontrollably in the dressage arena and was no longer to brake. I was able to stay in the saddle for two full rounds in bucking rodeo style, then I landed ungently in the sand. The now again scratched confidence in our horse hits me more than the back pain and bruises, which has brought me this relapse into previous behavior..
In the process, unfortunately, the horse has also slightly injured and the farrier had to properly reattach the iron, which it has kicked itself down.
The conclusion from the last few months is simple and obvious:
Through the positive influence of horse and rider could be significantly reduced within the test phase the risk of injury to horse and rider. I was able to enjoy the time I spent with and on the horse more as a result. The application brought an improvement in both the athletic progress and the recovery value for horse and rider..
In the last few weeks, with long rides in the sunshine and a lot of patience, I was again able to achieve a similar condition as at the time of the Zisano application.
To maintain it evenly throughout the year, the application of Zisano products seems reasonable. In addition, this is also associated with a financial advantage, if you can save on veterinary or farrier costs, not to mention torn breeches from falls..
Additional information
Weight | 0,1 kg |
Jaqueline –
Seit ich diese ZISANO OLEXA S Platte unter unser Bett gelegt habe hat sich einiges verändert. Ich benutze die Platte jetzt ca. seit 2 Monaten.
Ich arbeite sehr viel energetisch an mir und habe deswegen die Platte gleich am ersten Tag direkt unters Bett gelegt, aber nicht ganz Mittig, sondern am Fussteil. Als ich mich am Abend ins Bett legte, merkte ich wie meine Füße zu kribbeln angefangen haben. Ich kenn das sonst nur, wenn ich meditiere oder Trance Healings mache. Die Energie von der Platte selbst, empfind ich als sehr beruhigend und sehr fein/leicht.
Was hat sich jetzt getan:
Meine Katze schläft seitdem auch ständig im BETT, das hat sie vorher nie gemacht. Die ersten 3 Wochen hab ich extrem entgiftet, und der Schweissgeruch hatte sich voll verändert. Da ich selbst Naturheiltherapeutin bin, achte ich aber sehr auf DETOX und Co, aber dennoch hat es irgendwas in meinem System gemacht.
Ich schlafe wie ein BABY, ich merk die Katze nicht mal im Bett.LOL
Die erste Zeit hab ich mir auch jede Nacht meine Träume gemerkt, auch wenn ich 3-4 verschiede Träume hatte. War sehr spannend immer alles am nächsten Tag zu wissen.
Meine Tiere nehmen die Platte auch sehr gerne an, aber da ist es immer wichtig, langsam ran testen, sodass die Tiere immer auch ausweichen können. Einer meiner Kaninchen liegt mittlerweile ab und zu fast auf der Platte drauf. Ich bin sehr happy, dass ich jetzt mein Schlafzimmer entstört habe. Es wird sicher nicht bei dem einen Raum bleiben.
Monika I. –
Als ich diese Platte bekommen habe, habe ich zuerst auf meinen Schreibtisch gelegt, wo ich viel Zeit verbringen. Anfangs war es mir unangenehm, einfach ein allgemeines Unwohlsein. Da mir gesagt wurde, ich soll mich langsam daran gewöhnen, hab ich sie einige Meter entfernt hingelegt und nach und nach näher zu mir. Der Körper muss sich tatsächlich daran gewöhnen. Seither fühle ich mich allgemein energiegeladener und fit und bin auch seither nicht mehr erkältet.